These pages contain my thoughts on the meaning and messages of tarot cards that I have drawn for myself. Some of this will be based on traditional interpretations of each card however my intention is to provide more intuitive offerings that are particular to my own life and circumstances at the time.

Sometimes, however, one cannot always see the forest for the trees so I welcome and appreciate comments with any further insights others may like to extend.

Thank you for your visit here; may you find something that resonates within your soul amongst these humble writings. Blessed be.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Card of the Day for Friday 12 November - IX of Swords

It is up to each of us as individuals as to whether or not we allow our nightmares to also rule our waking moments.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Card of the Day for Thursday 11 November - III of Wands

All plans are executed in stages and planning is often done regularly throughout. Taking a few moments shortly after you have begun to make sure you are headed in the right direction and that your actions still have you focused clearly on your end goal can be a very beneficial practice.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Card of the Day for Wednesday 10 November - V of Cups

Where reality takes a break and forlorn despair jumps in it's grave. Set backs are inevitable but we must learn to accept them for what they are and not see them as destroying all of the good work we have done so far. Think of all you invest in your relationships and keep this in perspective when things don't go as planned.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Card of the Day for Tuesday 9 November - XVIII MOON

When we peer into the looking glass, sometimes the face we cannot see is hidden because it is we ourselves who are putting up the smoke screen. Seek your authentic self if you wish to look upon the world with a clear perspective.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Card of the Day for Monday 8 November - Ace of Swords

Today will bring a new way of thinking and from that will stem a new way of looking at the world. Our moods are so much a matter of perception and it is up to us to create the lives we want, which always starts with thought.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Card of the Day for Sunday 7 November - VIII of Coins

We work so hard on the basics in life but we need to realise there comes a time when we need to concentrate on refining our craft. Being able to do many things is helpful and makes us resourceful but being able to do something in particular very well provides satisfaction for the soul. Make time to allow yourself to do this today.