These pages contain my thoughts on the meaning and messages of tarot cards that I have drawn for myself. Some of this will be based on traditional interpretations of each card however my intention is to provide more intuitive offerings that are particular to my own life and circumstances at the time.

Sometimes, however, one cannot always see the forest for the trees so I welcome and appreciate comments with any further insights others may like to extend.

Thank you for your visit here; may you find something that resonates within your soul amongst these humble writings. Blessed be.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Card of the Day for Sunday 10 October - VIII of Coins

Refining my skills? Perhaps...

The eight of coins asks us to look further into the details of the things we have created and focus our attentions and hard work on the finer points of our creations. In order to do this, we need to work out what we need to sacrifice so that we can be more successful in our efforts. In order to create intricate works of art in our life (metaphorically as well as literally) we are unlikely to be able to maintain the same volume or quantity but the value of our works will increase exponentially as a result so we end up working smarter and not harder.

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