These pages contain my thoughts on the meaning and messages of tarot cards that I have drawn for myself. Some of this will be based on traditional interpretations of each card however my intention is to provide more intuitive offerings that are particular to my own life and circumstances at the time.

Sometimes, however, one cannot always see the forest for the trees so I welcome and appreciate comments with any further insights others may like to extend.

Thank you for your visit here; may you find something that resonates within your soul amongst these humble writings. Blessed be.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Card of the Day for Friday 24 September - IX of Swords

Not a seemingly pleasant card, as is the case with most of the suit of swords, but as an air sign, which swords correspond to, I am usually able to see the benefits of this shadowy depiction.

The key word of this card for me is nightmares. Sometimes this is in regards to any type of sleep problem but it can also be a reference to your sleep being a connection to your subconscious and your nightmares being a mirror of your innermost fears.

In the safety of our beds with the covers pulled up around our chin, we can be woken from our dreams and nightmares with the images and feelings that cause us fear to continue to cling to us on waking. When this happens we have a choice - we can pull the covers up further, close our eyes again and try to find comfort somewhere in the soft familiarity of our pillows or we can keep our eyes open, we can turn our faces toward that which is troubling us, throw back our covers and therefore our defences and step towards what we fear most. Only by doing this will we ever be able to conquer our fears and only through conquering our fears do we find complete freedom.

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