These pages contain my thoughts on the meaning and messages of tarot cards that I have drawn for myself. Some of this will be based on traditional interpretations of each card however my intention is to provide more intuitive offerings that are particular to my own life and circumstances at the time.
Sometimes, however, one cannot always see the forest for the trees so I welcome and appreciate comments with any further insights others may like to extend.
Thank you for your visit here; may you find something that resonates within your soul amongst these humble writings. Blessed be.
Sometimes, however, one cannot always see the forest for the trees so I welcome and appreciate comments with any further insights others may like to extend.
Thank you for your visit here; may you find something that resonates within your soul amongst these humble writings. Blessed be.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Card of the Day for Thursday 23 December - King of Coins
Many practical things have been pushed to the side of late but it is now time to take control of these matters and reclaim this aspect of your life.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Card of the Day for Tuesday 7 December - I MAGICIAN
You have all of the tools and resources you need to achieve the ends you seek. Put them to good use and they will serve you well.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Card of the Day for Tuesday 30 November - Queen of Wands
Let today be filled with the things you are passionate about. The Queen of Wands is inspiring you to wake your muse and to explore your artistry to have the most fulfilling day.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Card of the Day for Monday 29 November - V FAITH
Actively allowing yourself to have faith in yourself and your dreams is a huge risk but one that is worthy of all you bring to this world.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Card of the Day for Saturday 27 November - X of COINS
Where one door closes, another one opens. Life is constant transition from one phase to the next. Sometimes when you thought things were ending, it is really just a passage to the next stage of life.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Card of the Day for Tuesday 23 November - Page of Wands
Who's voice is it that guides you to action - is it yours or do you wait for some synchronicity from the universe through the words of another? Listen for both of these today for messages on the best course of action.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Card of the Day for Monday 22 Novemeber - VI LOVERS
All of your interactions in this world have only one common factor - that is you. Work on your relationship with yourself and this will flow through to all else you do and everyone else who shares your reality in any given moment.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Card of the Day for Friday 19 November - XVII STAR
Allowing yourself a few moments to dream will give you the foundation you need to create an amazing plan for your life.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Card of the Day for Wednesday 17 November - O FOOL
Taking that first step into the unknown may take us out of our comfort zones but it is the only way for us to move into the next phase of our lives.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Card of the Day for Tuesday 16 November - Page of Pentacles
Sometimes even the most basic aspects of life can seem complicated and convolute. Stripping things back to basics can help you to find a solid starting point to work towards the mastery you are seeking. Take care with your self-talk today, you listen to your own advice much more than you may realise.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Card of the Day for Friday 12 November - IX of Swords
It is up to each of us as individuals as to whether or not we allow our nightmares to also rule our waking moments.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Card of the Day for Thursday 11 November - III of Wands
All plans are executed in stages and planning is often done regularly throughout. Taking a few moments shortly after you have begun to make sure you are headed in the right direction and that your actions still have you focused clearly on your end goal can be a very beneficial practice.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Card of the Day for Wednesday 10 November - V of Cups
Where reality takes a break and forlorn despair jumps in it's grave. Set backs are inevitable but we must learn to accept them for what they are and not see them as destroying all of the good work we have done so far. Think of all you invest in your relationships and keep this in perspective when things don't go as planned.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Card of the Day for Tuesday 9 November - XVIII MOON
When we peer into the looking glass, sometimes the face we cannot see is hidden because it is we ourselves who are putting up the smoke screen. Seek your authentic self if you wish to look upon the world with a clear perspective.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Card of the Day for Monday 8 November - Ace of Swords
Today will bring a new way of thinking and from that will stem a new way of looking at the world. Our moods are so much a matter of perception and it is up to us to create the lives we want, which always starts with thought.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Card of the Day for Sunday 7 November - VIII of Coins
We work so hard on the basics in life but we need to realise there comes a time when we need to concentrate on refining our craft. Being able to do many things is helpful and makes us resourceful but being able to do something in particular very well provides satisfaction for the soul. Make time to allow yourself to do this today.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Card of the Day for Saturday 6 November - XVI TOWER
Focusing too intently and for too long on all of the things that you want to change in your life can lead to that change rolling in like a tidal wave of energy. When you want change, sometimes it's best to seek a balanced approach, take small steps and remember to appreciate all you have and all you achieve along the way lest the universe deliver on your requests with the same level of intensity that you are sending out.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Card of the Day for Friday 5 November - XI JUSTICE
When we close our eyes and shut out some of the petty distractions of everyday life, we are thereby able to see things more clearly, logically and in a way where we can make effective choices that empower us to better create the reality we are seeking.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Card of the Day for Friday 29 October - XX JUDGEMENT
This is the forth time this card has been my card of the day in the last two weeks, firstly on the 15th of October, then on the 18th of October and again the very next day after that. Either I am not understanding the message of this card or there is just an abundance of that energy at work in my life at the minute and it is dominating all else. The number of cards from the major arcana, which represent big life events, is also higher than statistically likely. My purpose here is to try to unlock these messages in order to be best placed to be open to and accepting of the energies at work in my life at the moment.
The guide book for my deck has the following to say about this card in brief:
"The gaining of a higher or wider perspective. Seeing oneself as part of a larger whole rather than as an isolated individual. Heeding a call to follow a path or take an action."
This is incredibly powerful and fitting for me at the moment; now to work out where to get the motivation, inspiration and energy to fit in the extra demands of such a calling!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Card of the Day for Thursday 28 October - V FAITH
In most decks, this card is known as the Heirophant and represents, among other things, religious dogma, structured belief systems and trusting in a higher power. In this deck, the renaming of this card to Faith, in my opinion, better focuses on the concept of core values without tying it to religious or spiritual beliefs, or, indeed, the lack thereof.
There have been a number of synchronicities for me with this card today already and I have been paying particular attention to conversations regarding faith (not just in a spiritual context) and, as a result, have revisited a lot of my thoughts and intentions regarding my own practices.
Exploring my core values and extending that to how these values manifest in my life is a wonderful, albeit intense and sometimes difficult, lesson to be working on but I am very grateful to have the opportunity to learn from.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Card of the Day for Wednesday 27 October - XIII DEATH
The Death card speaks of endings of cycles and also of transformation in that we can see that nothing ever really dies, it just exists in a new way, be it a memory or learning experience or perhaps a new beginning in some other part of our life. The snake on this card symbolises all aspects of who we are and also how part of the cycle of life requires us to cast off our other layers from time to time in order to grow and develop. Death is an ending but it is also a new beginning, it is transformation and it is all part of the natural cycles of the earth.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Card of the Day for Tuesday 26 October - Queen of Coins
Queens have an element of control about them, of mastery, of taking charge but of doing so not with sheer power and might as with the king but with tact, sometimes with charm and with the strength of resolve that comes through making heart choices, not head ones.
The Queen of Coins is encouraging me to makes decisions and to take charge in a way that is being true to myself. She tells us that some battles are won with swords and shields but others are won with care and compassion. She talks of practical matters, the home, career, finances but she is here to affirm that we have the strength that we need in order to succeed in whatever we need to.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Card of the Day for Monday 24 October - III of Swords
The Three of Swords talks of heartbreak and despair. She sheds the tears of a harsh reality and even though she knows she is still near the beginning in this cycle and that things will change soon enough, she is completely in the moment with her grief.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Card of the Day for Sunday 24 October - Queen of Cups
Queens are feeling and cups are emotion, so this is the double-whammy of matters of the heart. What I need to work out is whether the queen is with me today to look within or to look without, or, indeed, to look in both directions.
One of the greatest triumphs of the Queen of Cups is that she leads with her heart but she is still in full control of her emotions - she rules them, they do not rule her. Sometimes we can let our emotions get the better of us and this can cloud our judgement and decision-making or we can end up swinging to the opposite extreme by trying to control our emotions and never let them show through. This queen reminds us that it is human to feel but we are who we are through our conscious choices that honour all aspects of ourselves.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Card of the Day for Saturday 23 October - XII HANGING MAN
The Hanging Man can represent a period of suspension. Looking at things from another angle is also an aspect of this, the card numbered twelve in the major arcana. In order to activate both of these aspects, we need to practice blocking out the things that do not matter, calming our inner selves so we can listen to the messages we have within us, that exist when all else is stripped bare. Only then can we be open to the true messages of the universe and know what our next step should be.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Card of the Day for Friday 22 October - VIII of Cups
There are some things that resonant in my heart that are never the less holding me back and I need to have the strength, courage and determination to separate from these things and walk away. Only by doing this will I be able to move to the next level. All that I do is through my heart and I need to be able to focus on the outcome and make the necessary changes to simplify my overly complicated and busy life so I can find time to do the things that will be most actively and effectively creating the future reality I want to manifest.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Card of the Day for Thursday 21 October - Queen of Coins
Moving up the hierarchy but still within the same grounded, practical energy of the suit of coins. The queen is the feminine energy of the duality that rules this suit. She is kind, fair and even, gentle yet knows what must be done and will do it for the greater good. She looks at the world with a realistic eye but it does not prevent her from seeing all the beauty and potential that surrounds her.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Card of the Day for Wednesday 20 October - Knight of Coins
Knights speak of action and coins or pentacles refer to the practical realm - things that we need to deal with in order to live in the mundane world. The Knight of Coins is calling us to act on the things that have become stagnant in our lives. Today is a great day for leaping into work on our finances, the home or other things we may have pushed to the side while we are spending time with are thoughts, dreams and emotions.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Card of the Day for Tuesday 19 October - XX JUDGEMENT
Yes, I absolutely did shuffle, even a little more thoroughly than usual. This is definitely meant to be my card again today.
Am I being too judgemental or not judgemental enough? Am I being too forgiving of myself and others or should I be more discerning and subjective when looking at the gap between how things are and how I would have them be? What will matter once all is said and done? At the base of it all is the need to be your own, true, authentic self for in that is something that no one else can do better than you and is at the heart of the reason why we are each here on this earth.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Card of the Day for Monday 18 October - XX JUDGEMENT
There still appears to be a lot of activity in regards to major life changes and activities as is reflected in the abundance of cards from the major arcana being chosen as my card of the day. It is a completely random process that I follow to select my card of the day and one that occurred naturally when I started this blog even though it is not usually how I select random cards. Shuffling the cards well until I feel I have connected with them, splitting the deck into three and selecting the top card from the middle pile. Nothing particularly unusual but incorporates enough chance to allow the significance of repeated cards to be felt well, such as with the Judgement card which I also selected three days ago.
The energy of the Judgement card that represents assessing our life and how we are taking responsibility for it in the past, present and the future is the aspect of this card that is speaking to me most strongly at the moment. The concept of living a purposeful life has attached itself to my consciousness and defining and living with that concept if where I very much am at the moment. This is such an empowering position and I am excited by the things I am creating in my life.
On the flip side, I am very well aware of the macabre predictions that a sequence such as the Tower followed by Judgement may represent and while I cannot lie my life in fear, my prayers will be strong for my family and friends at this time as well.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Card of the Day for Sunday 17 October - XVI TOWER
Sudden and unexpected change. This card foretells of a massive upheaval however this kind of change is sometimes the only way to get the stagnant areas of our lives flowing.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Card of the Day for Saturday 16 October - X of Wands
Unlike yesterday, today started for me in inexplicable overwhelm. Everything seemed like it was too much and it was a total struggle to do anything. All I could do was shift things back a gear and take it easier until I was ready to face some of the things that needed to be done. Even when doing basic things I had to keep giving myself constant mental pep talks in order to finish them rather than just wander off and leave them part done.
In this way, the ten of wands fits me perfectly today, but this card also tells us that some things we are carrying are no longer required. As a ten card, it is a card of completion of a cycle and this is a great time to look at things that can be cast out of our lives and which will serve to ease our burdens.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Card of the Day for Friday 15 October - XX JUDGEMENT
I feel this card is connected to my Card of the Day for Tuesday of this week, which was the JUSTICE card.
The message that I am getting from these cards is to focus on sorting out what is important in life and is very much related to core values. I've let some of my actions drift further and further away from my core values, some of which was very necessary, but now is the time to reconcile these aspects of me again.
Sometimes there is so much going on and we can get caught up in things that don't matter or can become so overwhelmed by all of the demands that we allow to be placed on ourselves that we accept walking the path of least resistance rather than forging our own path through life based on who we are and what we believe. The JUDGEMENT card can serve to remind us that when we look at the big picture of our lives here on this earth, we need to be the ones who choice what our legacy will be and how we will judge ourselves at the end of it all.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Card of the Day for Thursday 14 October - XIX SUN
Yes, it has certainly felt like a SUN day today, even though the sky is full of rolling, dark grey clouds and a light rain is falling. The coolness of this morning is, to me, a welcome change from the increasingly hot and stuffy weather that this spring is bringing and I am looking at the wet ground and seeing the hand of God providing nourishment to the creation that is nature.
As I write this, the sun has broken through the clouds just outside my window an is shining through as if to provide blessing to my thoughts.
It is in this way that we can truly appreciate the beauty, strength, passion and positivity of the sun, which is what the SUN card represents. Were the sun to shine continuously we would loath it, fear it, resent it. In it's absence, we appreciate it's presence and we know that the sun will always return to us.
Yes, this is definitely my card for today and to have this affirmed in the cards makes me so grateful. Blessed be.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Card of the Day for Wednesday 13 October - Knight of Cups
The message from this card is to act from the heart today. Let you mind think what it wants but your actions today should show the emotion you feel. Denying this is denying yourself to be you.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Card of the Day for Tuesday 12 October - XI JUSTICE
This card speaks to me today of challenging the things that you see as unfair by looking deep within yourself and acting on your own values rather than the actions and what you perceive to be the shortfalls of others.
Sometimes we can get so caught up in ideals when there is an inequality in a situation that we move further and further away from balance rather than being able to correct an incongruence.
This is not to say that you should allow yourself to be wronged but just remember that other people's actions are their own, not yours, and you can always choose your own actions based on your sense of right. Acknowledge your feelings as valid but seek for your actions to restore balance where you would have balance in your life and your relationships.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Card of the Day for Monday 11 Octiber - V of Wands
What and what are the enemies we create in our own minds and, more to the point, why do we create them?
Life can feel like a constant battle, especially if we allow ourselves to fall into the traps that make this statement true. Some days, despite how happy and full of hope we may feel when we first wake up, can still feel like a struggle, but it is still all a matter of perspective.
Even if it is harder sometimes for us to find that seed of positivity inside us, it is always there, we just need to (for)give ourselves a few extra moments of inner peace and calm to find it and encourage it into our lives.
This is not to say that things will suddenly be less busy or that there will be less demands or less people rubbing us the wrong way, but it will mean that we have within us each day the tools we need to equip ourselves with to get through these times.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Card of the Day for Sunday 10 October - VIII of Coins
Refining my skills? Perhaps...
The eight of coins asks us to look further into the details of the things we have created and focus our attentions and hard work on the finer points of our creations. In order to do this, we need to work out what we need to sacrifice so that we can be more successful in our efforts. In order to create intricate works of art in our life (metaphorically as well as literally) we are unlikely to be able to maintain the same volume or quantity but the value of our works will increase exponentially as a result so we end up working smarter and not harder.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Card of the Day for Saturday 9 October - Page of Swords
Two pages in a row - definitely a messenger. Today is a day for looking out for communications; things that people say, synchronicities, things that create an ah-ha moment.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Card of the Day for Friday 8 OCtober - Page of Wands
As a Page, this card is a messenger and as a wand it it about action. This card is also representative of a young person, typically a male however the Tarot of Dreams deck uses decidedly undefined genders for the pages, which fit much better in terms of balance and therefore makes this card, where it refers literally to a person, representative of a young girl. In some instances, both approaches to the interpretation of this card will be combined to reflect a message about actions delivered by a young girl.
Rarely do I think of the court cards as actual people however this is the interpretation I am being drawn to today.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Card of the Day for Thursday 7 October - VI of Swords
Well, I'm definitely feeling like I am at a cross roads. Each day at the minute is a constant struggle and the metaphor of crossing the river Styx is exceptionally apt. All around me at the moment I see the mist floating above the black waters but for the time being I am safe, gliding my way through the depths, holding my own light and powered by the energy of the universe which I submissively allow to guide me. I know the choice is mine, I have known it even when I didn't feel it. Soon I will be able to take up the swords that point me in so many directions and use them as the oars of experience as I take control of my future direction.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Card of the Day for Wednesday 6 October - IX of Wands
This card acknowledges the long, hard journey I have been on but as a nine card it lets me know that I am nearly there. There has been battles and adventures, mistakes and messages and the time for rest is nearly at an end as I am also nearly recuperated. I have learnt much and am ready to start the final leg, which is also a preparation for the new cycle that will inevitably follow.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Card of the Day for Tuesday 5 October - XIV TEMPERANCE
Such a beautiful card and such a beautiful message. She is the angle of balance and of being able to hold all of the elements in her hands and know what to juggle and what to rise above to create perfect harmony in her life.
Temperance is frequently a card of inspiration. She asks us to look at our lives and to make them as we would dream for them to be. She empowers us to lift ourselves off the ground just far enough so it is still in sight but so was can dare to dream and to release ourselves from the mundane shackles that we get so caught up in. Only once we do this can we see all of the possibilities for ourselves and get to work on making them manifest.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Card of the Day for Monday 4 October - Knight of Wands
The Knight of Wands is a card of immediate and intense action. Knights are typically impetuous and gung-ho and the Knight of Wands is the epitome of this energy.
This is the card to let me know that sometimes plans get in the way of action and that putting the plans aside today for favour of constant movement and action will bring the greatest rewards.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Card of the Day for Sunday 3 Octiber - VII of Swords
The card of stealth - but who is it who is not being completely honest? Like a thief in the night, we need to take with us what we need and decide what we can do without and therefore leave behind. When we look for ways to escape and none of them seem feasible, we can feel inclined to use the cover of darkness to make our run.
But is this seven warning us against this or is it letting us know this might be the only option?
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Card of the Day for Saturday 2 October - III of Wands
Regathering ones thoughts. Quiet reflection on the progress so far to refocus on the end goal before needing to pick up the battle tools and get stuck back into the hard work.
Hmmm, this is not what I am feeling within in me will be helpful right now. I keep getting all of these cards about rest and waiting and not overloading myself but what I really want is to feel inspired and to get passionate about things again. I feel like I have been resting forever now and all it is doing for me now is making me more tired.
That said, in the last few days I have come across something that created a click in terms of what I have been feeling and experiencing and if it is right then I have a lot more work today internally before I am ready to re-emerge into the active world. This is not an uncommon phenomenon and I don't understand how people are meant to get through their day to day lives while experiencing it but it does seem to fit on so many levels and could also be what all these 'take it easy' cards are talking about.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Card of the Day for Friday 1 October - X of Wands
A card about the pressure of the physical demands of life, feeling overwhelmed by all tha is before you and a need to reassess the tasks that are becoming burdens.
Hoe much can I eliminate before I have a manageable workload? Is is possible for me to ever feel truly on top of things? As the song goes, "my back is strong, but it's a-hurting".
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Card of the Day for Thursday 30 September - Ace of Wands
With Wands being the suit of energy and action and Aces representing new beginnings, the Ace of Wands talks of new projects and taking action on things to get the ball rolling on a new venture.
Sometimes these are things that have been in the planning stage for some time, sometimes they appear out of the blue as a new offer or proposal from an unexpected source or situation. Typically the appearance of the Ace of Wands is a good omen indicating the current energy is favourable to starting new ventures.
The Ace of Wands can also a calling card - it tells you that the time is come for you to take charge of something and it calls you to action. It is saying that you have been in different phases but now you need to do something, anything, and it encourages you to take that action now, today, without further procrastination or delay.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Card of the Day for Wednesday 29 September - IV of Swords
My mind is driving me crazy and this card is telling me to let it rest. Lay amongst the stars and dream but don't take on too much either physically or mentally. There is much to do and the world is made up of infinite possibilities but each journey starts with a dream and not is the time to take off the battle armour, know that I am safe and just allow myself to connect with my subconscious to prepare myself for the next leg of my journey, which is coming soon.
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